An Interview with Sonia Aste | Mumble Comedy

An Interview with Sonia Aste | Mumble Comedy

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HomeAn Interview with Sonia Aste

An Interview with Sonia Aste

July 27, 2018July 29, 2018 yodamo
Fringe 2018

The Fringe is a truly international fiesta, the Olympics of comedy. The Mumble managed a wee blether with a talented representative from the Iberian peninsular…

Hello Sonia, so where ya from and where ya at, geographically speaking?
Sonia: Like my show’s title: I’m Made in Spain! And to prepare audiences for my show – I ordered a SPANISH SUMMER so everyone can feel like a true local.
When did you first realise you could make people laugh?
Sonia: My mom says that as a new born people laughed because I looked like a grumpy old man. I also made these mumbling complaining noises that reminded her of my uncle Antonio … who was (and still is!) a grumpy old man. So making people laugh started pretty early I guess.
How did you get into Comedy?
Sonia: My grandparents’ house was always full of laughter. Their philosophy was ‘When life laughs at you … you laugh right back! Because when the going gets tough … laughter can keep you going’. A wonderful lesson which I hold dear in my heart.

What are the differences between the Spanish & the British senses of humour?
Sonia: Humour is a little different, but luckily there’s no difference between a ‘British laugh and Spanish laugh’, because laughter is our one universal language.
What does Sonia Aste do when she’s not being funny?
Sonia: Worry about not being funny.

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Can you describe in a single sentence the experience of performing at the Fringe?
Sonia: Like a Spanish FIESTA and SIESTA! FIESTA when the jokes work, SIESTA when they don’t.
You are bringing MADE IN SPAIN to the Edinburgh Fringe, can you tell us about it?
Sonia: With Spain being one of the top destination for British tourists, my show shines a light into our cultural differences and what it means to be ‘Made in Spain’. It’s a fast paced show based on a ‘Tapas Menu’, and the audience chooses what they want to order. I wanted to cater to all comedy tastes and like a good Spanish meal, provide a space to share in the fun and laughter.

You say your show will be based around a tapas menu … what would you recommend?
Sonia: The menu will change daily, making every show different – but I’d definitely recommend ‘Spanish Song Salad’ and ‘Mum’s Mash’. We will have daily specials too!
You’ve got 20 seconds to sell the show to somebody in the street…
Sonia: ‘My venue has full blast air conditioning’.

Made In Spain
Sweet Novotel
Aug 3-5, 7-12, 14-19, 21-26 (17.40)

Tweets by @soniaaste
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